Saturday, April 28, 2007

Coachella Weekend! Interpol

Tonight we arrived to Coachella and completely rocked out to Interpol. Princess and I try to pace ourselves during a three day event like this so as not to get burned out by the time the bands we really want to see come on stage. Interpol was one of those bands.

We caught the first song from a distance, as we were still hiking in from the parking. We were drawn into the crowd by the steady hum of Paul Banks' vocals and that steady sound that has everyone talking. (Although many people don't make the connection, I always remember Echo and the Bunnymen when I listen to Interpol).

For me, Interpol represents one of the few bands that I can just listen to an Album from start to finish and be perfectly content. My iPod has played Turn on the Bright Lights more times than I can count! I absolutely love it. Also, when Antics came out I was pleased to learn it fits in the same category.

Nothing but quality from these guys!

Peace out... JH

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