Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Phase 3, Week 1, Day 2!!! New Phase, Old Ways!

Well, phase 2 was a learning experience for me. I've undergone my transformation at blocks of 12 weeks at a time... each one representing a phase. In phase 2, I changed my habits a bit and my results were not as good as Phase 1. So, guess what? For Phase 3 I am going back to the Phase 1 routine. Makes perfect sense!!

To date I have lost 21% of my Phase 1, Day 2 body weight. Moreover, I have dramatically increased my strength, endurance, and overall health. Although I expected to be further along by now, I'm extremely pleased with the results thus far.

Here are the top 5 highlights to date:

1. My waist size is down over 6 inches and I was able to buy very sexy jeans and look awesome in them. (Now, these even fall down on me unless I'm wearing a belt)

2. I've been through 2 belts thus far. And, I'm on the last hole of my current belt so that number will grow to 3 soon!

3. I have yet to cheat on my diet. Granted I drink my coffee with cream now, but I don't eat any sweets, fast food, or anything that can be categorized as 'bad for me'. (However, the 1/4 teaspoon of half and half does bring me more pleasure than I care to admit!)

4. I stopped my Starbucks Venti Mocha addiction in its tracks. I now drink a zero calorie Americano from time to time. (Remember, I was so obsessed with the Venti Mocha I named my company after it -- lol)

5. I can run now. I like to run and I'm getting better at it every time.

People now come to me for fitness advice, which kind of makes me laugh. All I tell them is what should be obvious to everyone: eat less, exercise more. Not pioneering anything here. But, I'm also not discounting what I've either because I've worked my butt off for the past 6 months!

Esby and I look at pictures of me from the UK -- I was kind of skinny when I got there but I just kept expanding. I remember how we ate over there and it makes me sick today. Junk food, excessive beer/booze drinking, and 2 AM trips to the Kebab stand. Add this to nearly no exercise and you have the perfect recipe for life changing body degradation!!

So, as I move along in this journey, I'm going to try to remember to blog every week like I used to. Even though almost nobody reads this, I credit a lot of my success to this blog and I really need to ease off on the Facebooking -- at least long enough to scribe some mindless rantings on a regular basis.

Sunday we go to the Primetime Emmy Awards -- and I'm going to look a lot better than last year!! Well, at least thinner anyway!

Peace out! :D


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your progress has been nothing short of amazing!

Keep up the good work Sir!