Friday, April 06, 2007

Week Five, Day Five... She thinks I'm cute!

Last night when I arrived home the Princess said my face is much thinner and that I look cute and younger. Getting closer to my goal every day! I was rewarded for my new found cuteness with a delicious and healthy Princess made dinner of french beans, red snapper, and saffron rice. The snapper was wrapped in foil with mushrooms and a little white wine and then put in the convection oven. So, our new fancy fish cooker got a rest last night! The beans were off the hook and even more delicious than Outback's beans. She used chicken broth, Hawaiian salt, butter buds, and fresh roasted almonds sliced very thin. Of course, the saffron rice is always a real winner and a delicious side.

Yesterday Esby and I went for an early morning Cardio workout. Being travel day and all, this left me a little drowsy all day long. Plus, I had just worked legs the night before and they revolted against the treadmill in the morning. So, any AM workouts in the future will be reserved for swimming only... a wonderfully low impact activity that burns more calories than anything else I can do. The fact that I am an accomplished swimmer only works in my favor. :)

Bring on WEEK 6!!

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